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"Finding True Happiness: The Art of Choosing Contentment"

Updated: Feb 28

I have a problem. It’s not a major problem, but it is one of human nature. Something every single person on earth suffers from. My husband and I recently purchased our first home. We, and by we I mean me, had dreams of grandeur to remodel this home and show it the kind of love it has lacked for many years. I had mapped out all of my plans, priced everything, and even contacted several contractors with quotes to get some of the work done. But, life has a funny way of putting your plans on hold. It’s as if God hit a pause button and said “no, this other thing needs your attention more.” I was frustrated at first. I wanted this house to be beautiful. But, as some time passed, I realized that my home is beautiful. Quirks and all. I had to learn to be content with what I have. I do believe that this is what God was trying to teach me and has been teaching me for years.

Contentment is a choice

Contentment. The practice of being happy and satisfied with what you have or who you’re with. This is something I think we all need some practice in. Have you ever gotten onto Pinterest and looked at all of the homes and pictures of items posted and wished your “stuff” would look like that? We become envious and discontent with what we are already so richly blessed with. We try to “keep up with the Jones’” and end up in debt, unhappy and unfulfilled. Our hearts become darkened with unmet needs or desires, our lack of fulfillment in life and our comparison to others. Discontentment leads to sins like pride, greed, rebellion, unbelief, sloth, gluttony and even adultery. 


“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” Philippians 4:19


When I started relying on God for the things that I needed and stopped worrying so much about things I couldn’t do anything about or didn’t have, I found that I had more peace. Something I have learned about contentment is that being content doesn’t mean you’re being lazy. Contentment is a matter of satisfaction and desire. It’s a purist of peace, while laziness is

Contentment knowing God is God

complacency. Being content doesn’t mean that you’re lazy as your striving and pursuing happiness and accepting people and things as they are, and not dwelling on how we want things to be different or how they should be. We need to be grateful for everything God has given us instead of being regretful and complaining.


All throughout the Bible we are given great examples of people who were unbelieving and discontent. 

  1. Adam and Eve. These two set the course for our world today with their lack of satisfaction. God gave them the entire garden to eat from and blessed them with all they needed. They were still easily swayed to sin due to them wanting more.

  2. The Israelites in the wilderness. Now, this one baffles me. How can you witness miracles such as mana from Heaven, their exodus from Egypt, parting of the Red Sea, and water flowing from a rock and still be unhappy with what you have? They demanded God send them meat and proceeded to create a golden calf to worship. Talk about ungrateful!

  3. Jonah. God told Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach to the people there. Jonah refused and rebelled against God. He payed for that rebellion and eventually delivered the message God wanted him to to Nineveh. Even then tho, Jonah was not satisfied. He was mad that God didn’t punish Nineveh for their sins. He wanted something more to happen. 

  4. Doubting Thomas. Now, this guy doubted that Jesus had risen from the dead even after others had seen him and believed. His unbelief almost cost him an incredible encounter with the Risen Savior. Can you imagine? Seeing the Lord of Lords right in front of you and not believing that it’s really him! 

Shortcut to contentment is gratitude

There are many things I am still learning about putting into practice and being content. Keeping a positive attitude when things are difficult and not letting unfulfilled expectations of persons or situations get the better of me is truly a hard thing to achieved for me. When we are in tough season of life; whether it’s a sickness, financial strain, or broken relationship; we need to be able to keep our faith and peace and not try to rush through it. It’s so easy to say “just give it to God” to someone and expect things to just miraculously get better. But, what would that even look like?


“Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.” Philippians 4:11-12


Sometimes we strive to do more, to be more, and to achieve more; but God is telling us to just be. Be happy with what He’s given and be grateful for all He has done in our lives; even when we are struggling. He wants us to practice being content by:

  1. Prayer. Pray that God would help you to stop seeking after the things that keep vying for your attention and instead to be grateful for what you have and appreciate it more.

  2. Meditate on Gods Word. Daily dive into the scriptures and keep them in your mind as you go about your week. Reflect on what they mean and pray over them.

  3. Stopping to smell the roses. Take in the views around you and live in the moment. Don’t go rushing through life and regret to enjoy it.

  4. Take a break from social media. This can help that green eyed monster called envy from rearing its head every time you see posts about the latest and hottest things to do or buy.

  5. Don’t purchase what you don’t need. Buying things that we don’t need can create a financial strain on us. Especially when you’re already on a tight budget. Trust me, you don’t need that credit card; you need to pay your bills and tithes more. That new color Stanley cup might not be there next week, but the next trend will be. That’s why it’s called a trend. It’s only hot for a short time before another item takes its place.

  6. Give it all to God. Don’t worry. This reminds me of the song by Bobby McFerrin- “Don’t Worry Be Happy”. This is hard to do when you dwell on whatever it is that’s causing you anxiety or pain. Trust that God will do what He said in His Word. He has never lied, forsaken or ignored anyone. He hears you, He truly cares, and trust me, He’s working on it.

  7. Obey Gods Word. Part of being discontent is being disobedient to God. When we are obedient to Gods Word we find ourselves more at peace and more content with what we have. I believe that is due to the fact that we have more gratitude for blessings God has bestowed on us. This leads to my final point.

  8. Count your blessings. Too often we long for what we don’t have, we ruminate on situations far longer than need be and we compare ourselves, belongings and situations to people and things around us. When we do this we become ungrateful. If we start to list all the things we have, all the times God has bailed us out of tough situations, and all the people God has blessed our lives with; we would be counting for a very long time. 

contentment is not by addition

Contentment has many perks. This isn’t just something scripture references to be a command. It’s a way to gain peace of mind, happiness, stronger relationships, distinguishing wants and needs, simplicity, getting priorities in order, financial stability, positivity and optimism, less anxiety, self fulfillment, and forgiveness. I don’t know about you but I definitely need these things in my life. I find that I am happier and sleep better because of it. So, the next time you think you need another Stanley cup or you try to rush through a difficult season of life remember to just be still. Count your blessings. Ask yourself, “What good does this bring me and what would God say about it?”


“The Lord bless you and keep you: the Lord make His face to shine upon you, and be gracious to you: the Lord lift up his face toward you and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

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