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"The Importance of Reading Your Bible: How It Can Transform Your Life"

Updated: Feb 28

Life is a hard thing to navigate. We often get lost in the chaos of pain, hopelessness, anxiety, and

Coffee and Jesus

fear. We struggle as humans to find the reason as to why we are living in the first place. What is the point? What’s our purpose? What if I told you that the answer to all your problems is in one book. A book that has been read and reread thousands of times and is over a thousand years old. It holds the answers to the beginning of time, our salvation and our eternal destination. This book has been cherished and abused. It has been banned and smuggled into places where hopelessness is at its worst. Its words are true and no matter how much time has passed since its publication and writing, the promises on each page are still kept by the very one who’s love the pages tell of. This amazing book is the Bible. I know many have heard of it and many have read it. We used to see it in the night stand of every hotel. It used to be a required reading in some schools and even though it was published many years ago, it’s still the number one book read throughout history.


The Bible is a great source of hope and guidance. In our house we say the Bible is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. We read it daily and meditate on it. Its pages are filled with many stories and accounts of those who have now been deceased for quite some time. I have a friend who once told me that she believed the Bible was just a book of stories. To some, it is. I can

Sunday School

recount all the Sunday School lessons as a kid that I would sit through. Yes, they do seem as it those are just wonderful, colorful and fun stories told to children. But the Bible is so much more.

I have been a Christian for most of my life. I read the Bible but didn’t glean much from it. I would listen to the sermons in church and follow along with what was being taught but didn’t know where they were getting their full source from. Yes, they could pull out a few scriptures and compare it to a life event or something around them and write a sermon on that. I never fully understood the depth of what the Bible could truly do for me; that was until a few years ago. Growing up I wasn’t taught how to study God’s Word or how to grasp an understanding for its context. My Pastor, Pastor Ray Bentley of Maranatha Chapel (he suddenly passed away Jan 4, 2021) taught his congregation how to better read and understand what it was they were reading. He would teach in a way that made the Bible come alive with new dimension. It was with his teaching that my relationship with God grew stronger. I began to read the Word more and delve deeper into it, and I knew I was doing something right because I made the enemy (Satan) mad. So why is it so important to read the Bible?


I posed this question to my two kids who are 8 and 9. They study the scriptures every week for school and for our Awana group (a group of kids that memorize verses and compete weekly for prizes). Their answers were pretty good. They stated: 

  • to learn about God daily

  • to welcome God into our day

  • to learn more about yourself

  • to know the miracles God has done

  • so that we can know how much God loves us

Now, I did not aid them in their answers. I just posed the question and they responded.  I am very proud of their answers as it tells me my children know they are loved by God and they have a place to go to that will guide them in their time of need should I or their father not be available to give advice. I want my children to know that God loves each and every person so much and has sacrificed everything so that they could go to Heaven one day and spend eternity with Him. This world is a dark and scary place at times. I want my children to have hope and encouragement and to know exactly whose they are. They are children of the Almighty King of Kings and they have power in the name of Jesus.


So, why should you read your Bible? Why should you memorize its passages and put them into practice? Well, I have assembled for you a list or reasons. If I missed a few then please comment below.

  • Because Jesus told us to (Joshua 1:8)

  • To learn of Gods character

Life is a journey- we need a road map
  • To be encouraged

  • To instill hope

  • To calm fears (the Bible states 365 times "Do not fear")

  • To try to gain an understanding of God’s awesome power

  • To instill within us a healthy fear of the Lord (Deuteronomy 17:19-20, Proverbs 2:3-5)

  • To find who God says you are in Him (1 John 3:2)

  • To get His word down on the inside of you to guide you when you need help (Psalm 1)

  • The Bible is a guide book or road map of life. It will help you with instructions on what you should do should you face fear, anxiety, uncertainty, depression and so much more (2 Timothy 3:14-17)

  • Its an instruction manual for how you should live your life (James 1:21)

  • There is power in the written Word of God. Speaking the word aloud in prayer is so powerful (Hebrews 4:12)

  • To gain a better understanding of the sacrifice Jesus made for us.

  • The bible is also a genealogy book of the life of Jesus

  • To learn of man kinds history

  • Starting your day with prayer and Gods word helps guide your day better. It shows that you’re putting God first in your day and dedicating it to Him.


Where to start? You can start reading the Bible in any book. Usually, I start at the beginning (Genesis) and work my way through using a Year Bible reading plan. There are several apps on your phone you can download to help guide you and keep you on track. You can also download this plan to start today and keep in your Bible.


Understanding the Bible can be hard especially if it’s your first time reading it. My suggestion is to obtain a few things that will help you with knowing what you’re reading. There are apps you can download or you can even purchase these in book form from several stores. I linked my favorites for you.

  • Bible Concordance

  • Bible Dictionary

  • Daily devotional

  • Study Bible

  • Bible commentary software or apps

  • Bible Study guides or aids


Taking notes is also a great way to remember what you learned or thoughts you want to jot down. You can always write in your Bible (I know some are against it but it’s your preference), write it on a sticky note or paper and place it in your Bible or use a notebook or Bible study book. You just find what works best for your learning and apply it to your daily devotions with God. Spending time in Gods word is a must for navigating this world. I always feel at peace and uplifted after reading what God has for me each day. You will never learn everything the Bible has to teach as there is so much to learn. Even when you have read something at one time, you will go back and read it again later on and it might take on a new meaning for you or God might even reveal something new to you about that passage.

I always compare the Bible to Onions. Yes, I know it’s weird but bear with me. Do you remember the part in Shrek where he and Donkey are on their way to rescue the princess and Shrek tells Donkey that Ogres are like onions? They have many layers. That’s how I view the Bible. Onions


have many layers to them; they are healthy and they were God sent. The health benefits from onions alone far outweigh most of the other vegetables we have for holistic medicine. God’s word is complex as it has many layers to it. It’s not just stories and rules. It’s Gods genealogy, His character, His love for us, His plans for us, who He says he is, it’s our encouragement, hope and guide book. The Bible has so many health benefits for our soul, mind and life. Not to mention, it’s not liked by everyone but needed. Onions have a powerful scent, as does God’s Word. His word when spoken aloud is so powerful. Now, I know my comparison is probably whacky to most, but for me it makes sense.

I encourage you to get into God’s Word daily. It doesn’t matter where you start. It doesn’t matter the time of day. Most of the time I turn on my Bible app and let it read to me aloud while I’m in bed in the morning before my feet hit the floor. I also use a Bible app to help in my studies and guides from my favorite Christian site- Daily Grace Co. I listen to podcasts that help give new insight into topics that I am interested in or need a new perspective on. I challenge you to read the Bible for 30 days using a Bible plan and watch as your days change. Meditate on one scripture the whole week and see God start speaking to you through that verse.

I hope this inspired you to start your daily reading in God’s Word. I pray God reveals Himself to you in ways you never thought possible.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn His face toward you and give you peace.”   Numbers 6:24-26

If you have any additional suggestions, I would love to hear them!

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